Face Lift / Neck Lift

As we age, the combination of gravity, exposure to the elements, our genetics and lifestyle combine to cause our skin and the fat in our faces to “move south.”

Face lift surgery is a safe and reliable way to get rid of sagging, excess skin and wrinkles. A facelift/necklift creates a more youthful, soft and groomed appearance to the lower face and neck region. It is often combined with eyelid surgery and a brow lift for a complete, harmonious facial rejuvenation. For younger individuals with less facial aging and skin laxity, a short-scar face lift is a less invasive surgical option that can provide excellent aesthetic results with less downtime.

To ensure you get the results you want, Dr. Carr will assess your skin quality, hairline, hairstyle and bone structure to determine the approach that is best for you. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon with years of face/neck lift experience, you can be confident in his expertise and recommendations.


About the procedure

Dr. Carr makes inconspicuous incisions around the ear and the scalp to redrape droopy facial and neck skin. If the neck needs additional work, a small incision may be made under the chin as well. A combination of sutures and staples are used, and a small drainage tube is inserted and left in place for one to two days after surgery. Depending on the extent of work that is desired, the procedure will take between four to six hours under light general anaesthesia or intravenous sedation in our private surgical facility here at Skinworks. You will go home on the same day of surgery accompanied by a responsible adult. Patients return about 48 hours following surgery to have the dressings changed and/or removed.

What to expect during recovery

You will experience swelling and bruising during the first seven to fourteen days. However, discomfort is minimal and easily controlled with medication. Sutures are removed within seven days and the majority of patients have returned to work and social activities within 2-3 weeks.

What you’ll look like afterwards

Final results are usually evident in six to eight weeks with continued improvement for up to six months. The middle and lower part of your face and neck will have a smoother, more youthful and natural contour – not the “wind-tunnel” or “done” look often associated with face lifts. Skinworks takes pride in our naturally beautiful results!

To book a consultation with Dr. Carr, please call us at 604-733-9711 or request an appointment online.